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Poverty is a virtual cycle war. Deprivation, its deadly weapon.
The Kinni Foundation is however determined not to leave anyone behind on this unnecessary, miserable battlefield. Whiles the Foundation cannot always change a child's circumstances, with early support the Foundation can give children the tools to learn to cope with their circumstances & know when, where & how to seek help to fight the scourge of poverty.
These children need you to be there for them too with the little help you can give. Remember, every little helps!
Please note, we at the Foundation pride ourselves on the highest pedigree of integrity & submit ourselves to the highest standards of accountability and we undertake to hold in trust your kind donations & use them expeditiously for the good of the people for whom you are giving freely, generously. Be also informed the Foundation may utilise about 90% of your donation to execute the Foundation's programs and about 10% towards overhead, such as staff salaries & supplies, logistics such as petrol to fuel our trucks to carry supplies to the village from Accra.
Every little helps so we thank you immensely for your kind generosity. Together, we are changing lives, one child at a time.